Alrighty, I broke down last week and purchased myself a tiny pair of earrings.
After being sick, feeling quite blue and just downright in the dumps for the past few weeks I figured I could do a tiny splurge on myself.
I have to tell you that I am just thrilled that I decided to do it.
My fingers wandered over to Etsy where I looked up Pink Poppy Studio. This is one shop I had bookmarked for quite sometime and could not wait to purchase a pair of earring from her.
Once in her shop, I found just what I was looking for and bought them without a second thought. Now the torture of waiting for them settled in but a few short hours later I received a notice that my earring were shipping that same day!!
Saturday came before I knew it and there they were all safe and sound. *smile*
The earrings were in a nice little organza bag with a handwritten thank you note. (I took the picture with the printed side out.)
I have been wearing them since they arrived and just love them, they are just beautiful.
Go on over and check out her shop, she offers a nice variety and they will not hurt the piggy bank.
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