I am back home again (rolled in late Tuesday night), trying to get everything in order.
The kiddos are back on their school schedule and dh is back to work.
Nate picked up some sort of crud along the way so he is hacking all over.
Spencer will be starting soccer practice tonight, so we have that thrown into the mix now for about ten weeks.
I have been busy running errands, cleaning the house, doing the laundry (even though I did some while we were away), returning phone calls, setting up various appointments, washing the dogs, and simply getting everything back in order. *phew*
Well, my dad is back home, doing as well as expected and is trying to take it day by day.
He ended up having a double bypass surgery along with a valve replacement.
Things will not bounce back asap as he would like (he is a man who never rests-always working/tinkering on something) and to have to take it so easy is not easy for him.
I think I will be taking the boys back up to visit during their spring break.
This way my mom will get a bit of a break (I can run him to his physical therapy and do some cooking) and help keep my dad's mind a bit off of it all.
It is nice to be back.
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