Alright, I was hustling around the house today trying to get stuff done before Friday.
Why the rush?
We are heading out of town come Friday and I have a H-U-G-E laundry list of stuff that has to be done.
You know.. wrap gifts, laundry, wash the dogs, pay bills, bake, buy a few remaining gifts, finish Christmas cards, paper plates & napkins for Spencer's class party, laundry, clean the floors, hair cuts, pack, laundry...
I was hustling around getting some items ready to ship out tomorrow when I found out that I ran out of packing tape.
I will add that to my list of things to pick up tomorrow after dropping the kiddos to the store.
With the plans changed I opted to get the dusting done in the family room.
Spencer had decided to watch Batman - The Dark Knight and I was only going to listen.
No time to sit and watch the moive but some how before I knew it I was sitting on the couch watching the movie.
I was sucked in full force - the whole movie.
The movie was good, I mean really good.
I'm actually quite glad that I ended up watching the movie; just wish that the list was a bit smaller. :-/
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